"Shipwreck Detroit” is an ongoing series which focuses on the phenomenon of illegally dumping boats within the city limits. While illegal dumping is a nationwide issue with serious legal consequences and can lead to serious health and environmental problems for municipal residents, Detroit is unique. With over 600 tons of illegal refuse finding a home in vacant lots weekly, abandoned nautical vessels are all but commonplace if you call Detroit home. So much so that you’ll find this topic mentioned in local rap lyrics, album titles, & depicted in contemporary art. Over the past two years I’ve compiled a series from my hometown that acknowledges the socioeconomic factor of why these vessels are being discarded. Due to a combination of circumstances, including the trickle down from hard financial times as a result of Detroit’s 2013 bankruptcy, and an overabundance of high priced boat storage, the city is still trying to catch its breath. “Shipwreck Detroit” sets a tone for not only my approach to photojournalism but relies heavily on the juxtaposition of Detroit’s urban renewal through which I’m proud to document and present to you.
All photo’s were shot with Medium Format film to help render a feeling and mood in each image.